Kirk Stierwalt

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Since 1987, Kirk has been conducting numerous clinics and demonstrations each year throughout the United States and Canada. Not afraid to share the secrets to his success, Kirk inspires you to obtain the skills and techniques needed for success in the show ring, on your farms and with your breeding programs.

Lives In
Leedey, OK

Wife: Juli
Children: Ky and Kyra

Iowa State University
Animal Science

Favorite Products
Firm Adhesive
ProTouch Paints - they're all great!

Fun Fact
Kirk did not grow up on a farm or ranch; he actually lived in town. His grandfather raised Hereford cattle and, every chance Kirk could get, he was at the farm. This is where he started developing his skills then eventually started fitting and grooming to help pay for college.

To learn more about Kirk Stierwalt, visit